Oh,shut up. treasure-thh-lurvs-x3.blogspot.com
♥Sunday, May 16, 2010
t0dae went t0 plaza Sinq wiv my mum and sis.
Saw Harry , Mark and Glen thr.
Said hi thn went t0 watch m0vie
Watched IP man 2.
Niice ~ hehes~
Tmr Hui Xian BDAE !!
B0uqht a present 4 her lia0.. ^^

♥Saturday, May 15, 2010
ytd went wib kaiwen,caralyn,yitinq and jean t0 E-hub kb0x..
Had l0ts 0f fun !  kaiwen scared t0 sinq siaa.. sinq s0 s0ft.
cnt even hear wad she sinqinq siaa. 
N th k0rean s0nqs th lyrics h0rh.. N0 0ne understand derh l0rhs.
St00d 0n th s0fa when sinqinq wiv kaiwen and caralyn. 
Thn when th kb0x pers0n c0me in thn caralyn and kaiwen quickly sit d0wn..
DIAO ! Cn stand derh larh ! RELAX !!! damn FUNNI  ! 
T00k l0ts 0f pics and was realli crazy.. 
hehes~ Jean was lyk sh0utinq " I WAN I WAN!!!! " when battlefield was beinq played.
zz... damn Ji D0nq l0rhs her.. Will qiv uu sinq derh larh.. Relax... ^^  

After tht went t0 X-Z0ne. 
White Sand. went t0ilet t0 take s0me pics..  
Went Mac t0 eat. Yummy ~  
minqhui called kaiwen. thn dunn0e y they fiqht ..
zzz ? Kaiwen sibei Fierce siaa. 
Sh0ut at her f0ne. in public.

kaiwen passed th f0ne t0 Yitinq and she was lyk actinq scared.. 
shiverinq and sayinq "Im scared" 
hahas~ Funni !  ><
after pr0blems s0lved, went t0 t0ilet t0 take pics aqain.. 
dia0 ? nth t0 d0 .. hahas ~
T00k bus t0 caralyn hse d0wnstairs. 
in bus was ab0ut t0 slp when yitinq sae 
"Yumay emo liao.. so scary.. "
Diao ... ppl slpinq uu sae i emo.. 

Jean and caralyn head h0me thn mii,KW and yitinq walk t0 Mrt.
zz.. actually playinq PSP s0 walk until half way thn realise tht we r actually walkinq t0 senqkanq mrt..
Dia0. actually i cn walk t0 buanqk0k mrt derh l0rh.
s0mem0re cl0ser.
haiix. Thn kaiwen and yitinq keep lauqhinq.
Hmph ! =P
saw prajna. said hi. c0ntinue walkinq.
haiy0. 0utside CP qt path t0 walk in thn kaiwen and yitinq sae wan walk 0n GRASS !
Thn draq mii al0nq.  =.=
Went h0me after tht. 
Had a fun dae ! YEAH ! 

Ps : Minqhui ~ Dunn anqry lerh larh... *SAD FACE*     
      TO Kaiwen,Yitinq,Caralyn and Jean :
Im nt crazy derh 0kay... keep sae i imaqine thinqs.. haiy0. 

♥Friday, May 7, 2010

YO ~ 

G0nna hav a Bl0qsh0p s00n ~ 

Nw settinq it up !!! 

Hmm ~ will update & inf0rm ur ab0ut it when its d0ne ~ 

Mus visit h0rhs ~ Hehes~


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Tht Gurl.
Sweet 13.
qave my first cry 0n 8/11/09
currently sinqle/attached
Auditi0n : HIMx3 ~CHERISHx3
Lvl : 23 Amatuer
FAM : JustForYou

Audition :shufentay
Lvl :15 Freed0m

Those lies.
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