Oh,shut up. treasure-thh-lurvs-x3.blogspot.com
♥Sunday, January 24, 2010
YO ! nw at mum's hse .
usinq labt0p t0 p0st .
t00 bad tiz labt0p n0 audii ! ;wild
0r else i w0nt even b0ther t0 p0st l0rhs.

Super siianx. nth t0 d0 w0rhs. ><
tmr nid wake up early,q0 skl lia0x.
haiix. sibei tired leh. s0 ealy wake up.
zz.. t0rturinq mii lehs . =.=

nw watchinq Hi My Sweetheart.
S0 sad TT. 
btw , qt ppl sae th campinq place tht we r q0inq ishh haunted w0rhs.
bt abit scared scared larh. scarly slpinq halfway thn qt tht thinq.

haha. bt i tink my BubbleGum will pr0tect mii derh rite ???
if uu nvr pr0tect mii thn i will kill uu ! XD
Jkjk. ;yay

Nth t0 p0st lia0s ! Buaiis ~  Muacks ! <33

ChewinqGum <33 BubbleGum 4eva ~

♥Saturday, January 23, 2010
Miss mii ma ?? ;shy
Ytd at skl hall after recess Huibinq s0 press my blue black ! ;wild
Pain Pain w0rhs ~ ;cry
After skl went t0 CP wib Jean , Caralyn , kaiwen & 0ne qurl.
Zz.Walau . She super qian bian l0rhs.
At library keep t0uchinq my baq.
thn pull here pull thr. dunn0e wadd she d0inq l0rhs.
Jibai thn t0uch my wallet t0uch here t0uch thr.
Thn she sae she nid q0 lia0 thn thr0w my wallet 0n my baq. Jibai larh.

To Jean :
Hey hey !
Dunn sad larh. ytd caralyn alm0st cry lehs. ><
SMILE always~ 
& ytd saw uu at CP wearinq h0me cl0thes n hair let d0wn. 
SUPER CHIIO derh larh.

♥Sunday, January 17, 2010
Yo ! =D
Audii-ed . zz. t00k s0me screensh0ts t0 sh0w uu
th diff when i playinq al0ne & when playinq wib ppl.

Playinq wib s0me0ne.
Sc0re : 585,232 ;diao

 s0l0 1st r0und
Sc0re :721,001
17 miss ;duh

s0l0 2nd r0und
Sc0re : 769,286 (yeah ! impr0ved !)
14 miss ;smil

s0l0 3rd r0und
Sc0re : 827,553 ( Impr0ved ! Bt missed m0re .. )
17 miss ;yay
Lol . tried t0 qt 1 mil ~
Bt FAILED ! ARGHH ! ;wild
Haiix. th marks s0 biq difference rite !
Bt still n0 1 mil ! SADDED ~ ;cry

♥Friday, January 15, 2010
Ytd : 14th Jan 2010
After skl went f0r cca. Dance teacher tauqht us new dance steps.
After cca , went t0 CP wib Caralyn & Jean. Went t0 eat Mc.
stayed at CP till 8 ? ( i tink ?)

T0dae : 15 Jan 2010
after skl went t0 Jean's hse . caralyn went h0me t0 chanqe cl0thes & put baq.
Mii n Jean stayed at playqr0und while waitinq 4 caralyn.
LOL ! Jean kept runninq ar0und . After dat went t0 CP th KFC t0 eat.
After dat went t0 Library . Walk walk ar0und CP. Went h0me.

♥Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Went t0 skl as usual.blah blah blah.Went t0 CP wiv Kaiwen,Jean,Minqhui.
Bumped int0 Twinneh n her fwen at KFC.
Ate dinner.Slack , lauqh , chitchat.
Stupid minqhui dr0p f00d 0n my sci the0ry bk ! =.='''
Dia0. mii n kaiwen went t0 l00k at earinqs while th rest when h0me.
Mrt-ed h0me.

ChewinqGum <33 BubbleGum 4eva~
Be my l0ver

♥Sunday, January 3, 2010
Went t0 Buqis wiv sis , Rujia , Mum n 0ne aunty.
Ate Lunch.
Watched Alvin & th chipmunks 2 . Niice~
B0uqht stuff.Went h0me.

4eva <33 BubbleGum    -ChewinqGum

Welcome to My blog.
Yeah,this is my blog,do not mess with me,because i hate it.
I am in love with all my beloved friends,& if you would try to steal,you will get it.
Try testing my patience,if you DARE.
Let me tell you first,i will make you sorry.
Leave a tag at the tagboard~:D
SHOO if you hate me.

Tht Gurl.
Sweet 13.
qave my first cry 0n 8/11/09
currently sinqle/attached
Auditi0n : HIMx3 ~CHERISHx3
Lvl : 23 Amatuer
FAM : JustForYou

Audition :shufentay
Lvl :15 Freed0m

Those lies.
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happyy-stopCHERIS-qd fwen ♥
happyy-stopELSA-Jie/qd fwen ♥
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happyy-stopHUI BING-mei ♥
happyy-stopJEAN-jie ♥
happyy-stopKAIWEN-Jie ♥
happyy-stopMEGAN-jie ♥
happyy-stopMING HUIfwen ♥
happyy-stopPEILUAN-ex-Linq ♥
happyy-stopPEI YI-fwen ♥
happyy-stopRU JIA-mama/jie ♥
happyy-stopSHU FEN-Jie ♥
happyy-stopXIAO LING-ex-mama ♥
happyy-stopYITING-Mei/LaoDa ♥

happyy-stopMIN GUANG`K0r♥
happyy-stopXIU HUI`Meii♥

happyy-stopqr0w taller
happyy-stopqt a puppy
happyy-stopsix h0nesty class reunion ♥
happyy-stopAuditi0n !!
happyy-stopnew baq
happyy-stopnew wallet
happyy-stopm0re qans
happyy-stopnew hp
happyy-stopm0re freed0m

Th Spinning Music ♥

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December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010

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